Clarence Fanon Wiki
Welcome to Clarence Fanon

Welcome to Clarence Fanon

Here you can add characters,episodes,spin offs from TV series Clarence

Welcome to Clarence Fanon

Welcome to the Clarence Fanon Wiki![]

This is where you put characters and fanmade stuff in there.

Krazy Clarence

Be positive!

You are looking for a fanon wiki Clarence? Because you think, here you can put any fan stuff. Unleash your imagination here! Lets get started!

If you want to know what year Clarence takes place in, use 1999 (when Season 3 ended).

And more...

Here are things to write about:

  • PCS
  • OC's and New Students
  • New schools?
  • Videogames
  • Fan series
  • Spinoffs
  • Fictional episodes

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Clarence Fanon Wiki Disscusion

What this wiki show?[]

The wiki is free to all fans of the cartoon called "Clarence", a series that launched in 2014 on Cartoon Network here in wiki you post articles fanon (For example: A character you want it presented in Clarence, some invented character for you) you can also post articles on fictional games, spinoffs and fictional episode (MUST BE RELATED TO CLARENCE) join us!